Texas Tech University - Research Assistant & Instructor
September 2018 - August 2024
- Experience with high-performance computing and database management for scalable and efficient structured and unstructured data processing (scrapping, cleaning, merging, and coding).
- Developed and organized three workshops in R and R Studio for graduate students in the implementation of methods for research projects covering the following topics : data cleaning, merging datasets, running statistical models, data visualization, and data analysis.
- Provided mentorship for 15 graduate students and 40 undergraduate students in their research projects, leading to five award-winning research posters.
- Assisted in three data-driven research projects relating to political science that included image-generation, data collection, merging, cleaning, and coding.
Executive Cabinet Composition Project - Independent Researcher
January 2018 - August 2018
- Data collection and archival work from the period 1979 to 1993 for the Executive Cabinet Composition Dataset for Venezuela.
- The aim of this project was to analyze cabinet rotation and coalition formation across presidential administrations in Venezuela.
Universidad Simon Bolivar - Contractor Professor
September 2017 - April 2018
- Taught CSA-311 "Men, Culture and Society I" and CSA-312 "Men, Culture and Society II" (Jan-Mar 2018).
- Taught CSA-211 "Venezuela in the 21st Century: Culture and Society" (Sep-Dec 2017).
Universidad Simon Bolivar - IT Systems Analyst
December 2014 - December 2016
- I developed modules for specific tasks such as reporting and summarizing the evaluations for managers and directors within the department.
- Technologies and tools used include PHP, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, JQuery.
- Project sponsored by the Director of Human Capital Management.
- Selçuk, O., & Hernández-Borges, P. (April 2025). One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: The Venezuelan Opposition under Maduro. In J. Polga-Hecimovich & R. Sanchez-Urribarri (Ed.), Authoritarian Consolidation in Times of Crisis: Venezuela under Nicolás Maduro. Routledge.
Working Papers
- Authoritarian Electoral Engineering I: Small Polling Centers Creation in Venezuelan Presidential Elections (2013-2024).
- Authoritarian Electoral Engineering II: Transfer of voters and electoral participation in Venezuelan Sub-National Elections (2013-2024).
- Authoritarian or Democratic Innovations? A Reassessment of the Influence of Political Innovations in the Democratic Quality of Latin America. (with Henry Moncrieff)
- The Crisis of Divided Government: The Effect of Democratic Backsliding on Legislative Oversight in Venezuela
- The Long Trace of Oil Money: A Social Network Analysis of Corruption during the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela
- The Long Search for a Safe Haven: A Cross-National Analysis of Peacefulness in Refugee-Receiving Countries
- Show Me the Carnet de la Patria!: A Quasi-Experiment on the Effect of Political Communications on Clientelistic Control Mechanisms in Venezuela
Research Assistant Projects
- Candidate Appearance and Voter Evaluations. Lubbock, TX. January 2023 - May 2023. Design of portraits and flyers resembling candidate's advertisement for an experimental survey. Supervised by Dr. Steven Perry and Dr. Matt Lamb.
- Colombian Planning Secretariat Dataset. Lubbock, TX. January 2021 - July 2021. Data collection of Development Plans and Planning Directors of Colombia's Mayoralties from 2018 to 2021, compiled by Dr. Ricardo Bello-Gomez.
- Anual MPSA Conference, Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, IL: (2019), (2021), (2022), (2023), and (2024).
- TX Comparative Politics Circle: UNT, Denton, TX (2024); TTU, Lubbock TX (2023); UT, Austin, TX (2022); Rice and UH, Houston, TX (2020).
- SPSA Annual Conference: Hilton Riverside, New Orleans, LA (2024)
- LASA Congress (Online): 2025 (Forthcoming), (2024), (2023), and (2022)
- ISA Annual Convention: Gaylord Pryland Resort & Convection Center, Nashville, TN (2022)
- APSA Annual Meeting: Hilton Union Suare, San Francisco, CA (2020)
- Atlanta Symposium on Political Science: Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA (2020)
- SeLAB Conference: University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS (2019)
- ECPR Standing Group on Latin American Politics: IE University, Segovia, Spain (2019)
- Annual Texas Tech Hispanic/Latinx Research and Creativity Symposium at TTU, Lubbock, TX: (2024), (2023), and (2020).
- Annual Graduate School Poster Competition at TTU, Lubbock, TX: (2022), (2021), (2020), and (2019).
- Arts and Humanities Graduate Student Research Conference at TTU, Lubbock, TX: (2021), (2020), and (2019)
- Cross-Disciplinary Doctoral Research Conference "United in Research" at TTU, Lubbock, TX (2021)
Workshops and Professional Training
Graduate Certificate in Geographical Information Science and Technology
Department of Geosciences, Texas Tech University - 2021-2022
Empirical Implication of Theoretical Models (EITM) Summer Institute
Duke University - July 18-31 2021
IPAC Academic Fellowship
Institute for Peace & Conflict, Texas Tech University - 2022
ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research
Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan - June-August 2020
Type, Teaching, & Communication Series
Communication Training Center (CTC), Texas Tech University - October-November 2019
Signature Workshops
Communication Training Center (CTC), Texas Tech University - January-March 2019
Groundwork Program
Teaching, Learning and Professional Development Center, Texas Tech University - January 2019
Research Strategies Training Program
University Libraries, Texas Tech University - September 2018 - November 2018
Selected Courses
CSA 211:
Venezuela in the 21st Century: Men and Culture
CSA 212:
Venezuela in the 21st Century: Economy and Society
CSA 213:
Venezuela in the 21st Century: The Political Body
CSA 311:
Men, Culture, and Society I
CSA 312:
Men, Culture, and Society II
POLS 2371:
Comparative Politics
POLS 3302:
Political Science and Video Games
POLS 3375:
Latin American Politics
POLS 3314:
Introduction to Political Analysis
Grants and Awards
Student Academic Leadership Award
Texas Tech Parents Association - 2023
Graduate Student of the Year Award
Department of Political Science, Texas Tech University - 2022
IPAC Academic Fellowship
Institute for Peace & Conflict, Texas Tech University - 2022
J.T. and Margaret Talkington Graduate Fellowship
Graduate School, Texas Tech University - 2018-2022
2021 EITM Summer Institute Graduate Stipend
EITM, Duke University - 2021
Dr. William A. Jackson Scholarship
Department of Political Science, Texas Tech University - 2020 - 2021
R. Guy Carter Scholarship
Department of Political Science, Texas Tech University - 2019 - 2021
Gordon Treadaway Scholarship
Department of Political Science, Texas Tech University - 2021
Graduate Emerging Scholar Award
Department of Political Science, Texas Tech University - 2020 - 2021
Global Guides Scholarship
Office of International Affairs, Texas Tech University - 2019 - 2021
John A. Garcia Scholarship
Society for Political Methodology - 2020
Student International Research Award (First runner-up)
Office of International Affairs, Texas Tech University - 2019